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Take part in Eickemeyer’s VET Week – a unique opportunity to expand your expertise through high-quality, knowledge-based courses tailored for veterinarians and nurses.
Dive into advanced topics in cardiology, thoracic and abdominal radiology, and hands-free X-ray techniques. Learn from top specialists, stay updated on the latest developments, and exchange insights with colleagues in a professional and inspiring environment.
Select the courses that match your interests and make the most of a week dedicated to learning, networking, and professional growth!
May 13 | Opthalmology Do you want to feel more comfortable looking at ophthalmic patients in your clinic? Let’s make eyes less scary and talk about corneal ulcerations, uveitis, glaucoma and get the 6 important steps to remember in the neuro-ophthalmic exam. Learn and have fun in interactive sessions with a lot of clinical eye cases!
See more info and program for Opthalmology
May 13-14 | Modern and Evidence-Based Rehabilitation for Dogs Join Dr. Kirsten Häusler, PhD, CCRP, an expert in canine rehabilitation, for an exploring modern, evidence-based approaches to rehabilitating dogs with musculoskeletal, orthopedic, and neurological conditions. Dr. Häusler will guide you through the latest rehabilitation techniques, advanced technologies, and objective gait analysis. Learn practical strategies for post-surgical recovery, spinal rehabilitation, and the use of shockwave therapy to accelerate healing. Whether you're a veterinary professional or rehab specialist, this workshop will equip you with the knowledge to optimize recovery outcomes for dogs in your care.
See more info and program for Rehabilitation
May 14 | Abdominal Radiology Unlock the secrets of abdominal imaging with this engaging course. Explore the intricacies of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, spleen, pancreas, urinary tract, and more.
From identifying foreign bodies to interpreting abdominal masses, this seminar combines theory, interactive quizzes, and hands-on case reviews. Gain confidence in your image analysis and elevate your diagnostic accuracy.
See more info and program for Image diagnostics - Abdomen May 15 | Thoracic Radiology Enhance your diagnostic skills with this comprehensive one-day course on thorax radiography. This seminar provides powerful updates on interpreting thoracic X-rays, including lung patterns, cardiovascular structures, and mediastinal areas.
Dive into practical image reviews and interactive quizzes to solidify your knowledge. Gain hands-on insights and connect with fellow professionals while refining your expertise in thoracic imaging.
See more info and program for Image diagnostics - Thorax May 15 | Infusion (CRI), respiratory physiology and mechanical ventilation. Infusion (CRI), respiratory physiology and mechanical ventilation. Learn the essential principles behind respiratory function and discover the critical role of mechanical ventilation for anesthetized patients.
In addition to respiratory management, the course will cover Constant Rate Infusion (CRI) and variable rate infusion (VRI) , exploring its use in both intra- and post-operative pain management as well as pain management for the non-anaesthesized patient. Gain an understanding of CRI pharmacology, its indications, contraindications, and practical application to optimize patient comfort and recovery. Sessions will guide you through the foundations of CRI, its role in anesthesia, and strategies for managing pain effectively during surgery.
This course is designed to optimise patient outcomes in a surgical setting and provide you with valuable knowledge and tools that can be applied directly to improve your practice.
See more info and program for CRI and ventilation
May 16 | Hands-free Radiology Optimize your X-ray skills with this comprehensive one-day course focusing on hands-free techniques. Led by Lisa Friling, a specialist in diagnostic imaging, this seminar covers safe working methods, optimized X-ray technology, and precise positioning for skeletal, abdominal, and thoracic imaging.
Discover practical tips and tools for safer, more effective radiology while ensuring optimal image quality. This course is essential for professionals aiming to enhance safety and precision in their X-ray practices.
See more info and program for Hands-free X-ray
May 16-17 | Feline cardiology Expand your knowledge with powerful updates on feline cardiology. This two-day course covers everything from innocent murmurs in kittens to diagnosing and treating left ventricle hypertrophy,congestive heart failure, and feline arrhythmias. You’ll also gain insights into the prevention of arterial thromboembolism and managing complex cases.
Combining theory with hands-on case discussions, this seminar gives you practical tools to elevate your daily practice.
See more info and program for Feline cardiology
May 17 | ECG In this course, we will cover the most common ECG cases encountered in small animal practice. The topics will be explained in a clear and engaging manner by Dr. Rasmus Møgelvang, MD, PhD, Cardiologist at Rigshospitalet.
The basic principles of ECG will be reviewed, and there will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions throughout the course.
See more info and program for ECG
signing up
Opthalmology Louise Baadsgaard Bruun, DVM, DVA Certificate in Companion Animal Diseases, Certified ECVO Eye Scheme Examiner (ESE), MS CACS phthal. Modern and Evidence-Based Rehabilitation for Dogs Dr. Kirsten Häusler, PhD, CCRP, expert in canine rehabilitation Image diagnostics and hands-free x-ray Lisa Friling, DVM, Dip ECVDI CRI and ventilation Johannes Fogh, DVM, GPCert(SAES). Feline cardiology European associate professor of companion animal cardiology. ECG Rasmus Møgelvang, MD, PhD. Cardiologist and director at Rigshospitalet
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