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Equine lameness and poor performence - problems of the hindlimbs and the axial skeleton

We have invited Prof. Roger Smith and Prof. Michael Schramme. Who are two high-end internationally recognized speakers known in the field of lameness diagnostics and who devote a significant part of their clinical and research work to investigating complex lameness cases. So come and join us to this top two-day course on Equine Lameness and Poor Performance – problems of the hindlimbs and the axial skeleton. This is the second course of a total of two courses.

Through a combination of theoretical and practical sessions, we will give a comprehensive overview of differential diagnosis and best diagnostic and therapeutic approach to pathologies of the hindlimbs and the axial skeleton that are common in the horse which can cause pain, poor performance and lameness.

Key Learning objectives:

To effectively recognize and grade hindlimb lameness both subjectively and objectively
• Nerve and joint blocks on hindlimbs
• Diagnosis and treatment of common conditions affecting the hindlimbs
• Imaging of stifle and approach to stifle injuries in the sport horse
• Diagnosis of back and sacroiliac pain
• Approach to cervical arthropathies