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Kickstart your journey into equine dentistry with this two-days hands-on course. Learn everything from oral anatomy and radiology techniques to performing oral exams, dental floating, and extractions. Combining theory and practical sessions. This course is perfect for improving your skills in equine dental care
Key highlights:
-Learn how to perform thorough oral exams and document findings with precision. -Master the principles of dental radiology, pain management, and nerve blocks. -Gain expertise in managing the dental care of young and geriatric horses. -Discover effective diagnosis and management of periodontal diseases.
Participate in live demonstrations and practical sessions, including dental floating, extractions, and x-ray techniques on both cadaver heads and live horses.
This is a unique opportunity to advance your skills in equine dentistry with real-world applications under expert guidance!
Tilmeld dig her
Dr. Chris Pearce CertEM(IntMed), CertES(Soft Tissue) DipEVDC (Equine) BAEDT MRCVS
Dr. Nicole Du Toit BVSc, CertEP MSc PhD DipEVDC(Equine) DipAVDC (Equine) MRCVS
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