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In this intensive two-day course, you'll gain expert insights into managing complex dental conditions in horses, including modern extraction techniques, minimally invasive procedures, and endodontic/restorative dentistry. The course will cover critical topics such as: • Managing fractured teeth and dealing with peripheral and infundibular caries • Making informed decisions on when to extract or repair • Understanding and managing complications during dental extractions • Performing advanced techniques like Minimally Invasive Transbuccal Extractions (MTE) and Trephination and Repulsion (MITR) Day 1 combines theory with practical sessions on live horses and cadaver heads, while Day 2 is dedicated to perfecting your skills in a full-day practical lab. You'll have the opportunity to practice MTE, MITR, repairing fractured teeth, and performing endodontic procedures. To ensure you get the most out of the hands-on sessions, we recommend attending a series of online lectures prior to the course. These will cover surgical anatomy, modern extractions, and restorative techniques. Don't miss this opportunity to refine your skills with one of the world’s leading experts in equine dentistry!
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Dr. Chris Pearce CertEM(IntMed), CertES(Soft Tissue) DipEVDC (Equine) BAEDT MRCVS
Dr. Nicole Du Toit BVSc, CertEP MSc PhD DipEVDC(Equine) DipAVDC (Equine) MRCVS
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